
Sunday 29 October 2023

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being


NGO: Doctors Without Borders


Doctors Without Borders is an international medical humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance to people affected by conflict, natural disasters, and epidemics. This week, they are highlighting the importance of access to healthcare for all.

In a new report, Doctors Without Borders found that millions of people around the world do not have access to basic healthcare. The report also found that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problem, with many people losing access to healthcare due to lockdowns and other restrictions.

Doctors Without Borders is calling on governments to invest in healthcare systems and to ensure that everyone has access to quality, affordable healthcare.

Copyright ©️ Global Youths Alliance For Change

Friday 27 October 2023

SDG rule 8

 SDG #8's primary goal is to guarantee that everyone has access to good employment. This entails

having equal opportunities, safe working conditions, and fair wages in addition to having a job. Not only is decent labour a necessity for existence, but it also opens doors to self-actualization and human dignity.

**Inflationary Growth:**

Economic expansion is essential to achieving this objective. It does not imply unchecked growth at the expense of the environment or the welfare of society. Rather, it encourages growth in the economy that is sustainable, creates jobs, lowers inequality, and boosts regional economies. Promoting equitable economic systems that safeguard the environment and benefit all parties is the aim.

Important Markers: **

Progress towards SDG #8 is tracked using a number of significant metrics. Among them are measurements pertaining to:

1. **Unemployment Rate:** Tracking the number of unemployed individuals and working to lower this figure.

2. **Labour Rights:** Guaranteeing the freedom to form unions, engage in collective bargaining, and work in a safe environment.

3. **Economic Diversity:** Encouraging diversity of the economy to withstand shocks to the world economy.

4. **Youth Employment:** This section focuses on young people's employment opportunities, as they frequently experience greater unemployment rates.

Why Goal #8 Is Important:

1. **Reduction of Poverty:** Good employment and economic expansion are effective means of rescuing individuals from poverty and guaranteeing a higher standard of living.

2. Equitable Gender Roles: This objective encourages women to have equal opportunities in the workforce, closes the gender pay gap, and removes barriers that discriminate against them.

3. **Sustainable Societies:** We can lessen the negative effects of production and consumption on the environment by promoting sustainable economic growth.

Achieving SDG #8 is a complex and interconnected endeavor, but it is a fundamental step toward building a more just and equitable world. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have roles to play in ensuring decent work and sustainable economic growth for all. By working together, we can create a world where no one is left behind, and prosperity is shared by all.

Thursday 26 October 2023

Unraveling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Path to Peace


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict stands as one of the world's most enduring and complex disputes, a seemingly intractable struggle that has spanned generations. With deep-rooted historical, political, religious, and territorial factors, this conflict has elicited strong emotions on both sides. In this blog, we will delve into the historical backdrop, the key issues that have fueled the conflict, and potential pathways to lasting peace.

Historical Background

The origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be traced back to the late 19th century when Jewish immigrants began settling in historic Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. The motivation behind this migration was the desire to establish a national homeland for Jews, rooted in their perception of the land as their ancestral home, and spurred by centuries of persecution and anti-Semitism in Europe.

The British Mandate

Following World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate to govern Palestine. This era saw escalating tensions between Jewish immigrants and Arab Palestinians, both laying claim to the land. Controversial British policies only further exacerbated the situation.

The 1947 UN Partition Plan

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan for Palestine, dividing it into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international administration. While Jewish leaders accepted the plan, the Arab states rejected it, sparking the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948.

The Establishment of Israel

In May 1948, Israel declared its independence, leading to a regional conflict. The war resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, a core issue that remains central to the conflict.

Key Issues

1. Territorial Disputes: At the heart of the conflict are competing claims to land. Both Israelis and Palestinians assert their rights to territories, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

2. Refugee Issue: The displacement of Palestinian refugees in 1948 and subsequent conflicts has created millions of Palestinian refugees and their descendants. The right of return for these refugees is a contentious issue in peace negotiations.

3. Jerusalem: Jerusalem holds immense religious and cultural significance for Jews and Muslims alike. Its status remains a critical point of contention.

4. Security Concerns: Israel faces security threats from militant groups operating in Palestinian territories, while Palestinians argue that Israeli security measures are oppressive.

5. Settlements: Israeli settlements in the West Bank are a significant barrier to peace negotiations, as they are viewed as violations of international law and impediments to a future Palestinian state.

Pathways to Peace

Achieving a lasting peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex challenge, but it is not insurmountable. Several potential pathways to peace can be explored:

1. Two-State Solution: The most widely accepted solution envisions two independent states, Israel and Palestine, coexisting side by side. Negotiations should determine borders, the status of Jerusalem, and address refugee issues.

2. Negotiation and Diplomacy: Both parties must engage in meaningful negotiations and demonstrate a genuine commitment to resolving the conflict through diplomatic means.

3. International Mediation: The involvement of neutral, respected mediators, such as the United States, the United Nations, or regional actors, can help facilitate productive negotiations.

4. Confidence-Building Measures: Both sides can take steps to reduce tensions, such as halting settlement construction and curbing violence.

5. Grassroots Initiatives: Encouraging people-to-people initiatives and cultural exchanges can foster understanding and cooperation among ordinary Israelis and Palestinians.

Dealing with Extremist Threats

One pressing concern is the potential for extremist groups like Hamas to exploit the situation and threaten Israel. To mitigate this risk:


  • Political engagement with moderate Palestinian factions can help isolate extremist elements.
  • International support and monitoring can ensure that any peace agreement addresses Israel's security concerns.
  • Economic development and humanitarian assistance in Palestinian territories can improve living conditions and reduce extremism's appeal.



The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a deeply rooted and multifaceted dispute with profound implications for the region. Achieving peace requires compromise, empathy, and the commitment of both parties. While the road may be long and arduous, the vision of coexistence and prosperity for both Israelis and Palestinians should continue to inspire hope and guide efforts toward a brighter future. It is a path marked by difficult negotiations, but one that remains crucial for the well-being of all those living in the region.

Monday 23 October 2023

SDG 2: Zero Hunger


NGO: Action Against Hunger


Action Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization that works to save lives and prevent hunger. This week, they are raising awareness about the global food crisis.

In a new video, Action Against Hunger shows the devastating impact of the food crisis on people around the world. The video features interviews with people who are struggling to find food for themselves and their families.

Action Against Hunger is calling for urgent action to address the global food crisis. They are urging governments to increase funding for humanitarian aid and to invest in long-term solutions to hunger, such as climate-smart agriculture and sustainable food systems.

Copyright ©️ Global Youths Alliance For Change


Friday 20 October 2023

The Complex Landscape of Palestinian Rights

 For many years, the rights of Palestine have been a divisive and complex topic. International tension and worry have been raised by the Middle East issue, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We'll examine Palestine's numerous rights in this blog, including its political, territorial, human, and self-determination rights.

1. Self-Determination Rights

The right to self-determination belongs to the Palestinian people as one of their fundamental rights. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the United Nations Charter both uphold this notion. Inferred is the right of Palestinians to choose their political status and to freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural advancement.

2. Rights in the Territories

The core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is territorial rights. Borders, sovereignty, and land ownership are complicated and divisive topics. In the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, Palestinians want to see the creation of a strong, independent state. This territorial vision has not yet come to pass, though.

3-Right of Return 

The right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and property, as established in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194, is another essential part of Palestinian rights. During the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and following conflicts, numerous Palestinians were displaced. The right of return is still a contentious, highly emotional issue.

Human Rights, #4

The Palestinian people have the same fundamental human rights as everyone else. These include the freedom from torture and discrimination, the right to life, liberty, and personal security, as well as the rights to employment and education. For the region to have a peaceful and stable future, it is crucial to protect these rights.

5. The Right to Coexistence in Peace

A just and long-lasting peace in the area is what many people ultimately desire. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the legal right to live side by side in peace. Both parties have a stake in identifying a workable solution that upholds the security and rights of everyone.

6. Global Assistance and Mediation

International interest has been drawn to efforts made to address Palestinian issues. There have been several attempts to mediate and facilitate peace negotiations by different countries, organisations, and people. These rights have been addressed in the Oslo Accords, Camp David Accords, and other peace initiatives that have sought to end the war.


In the Middle East, the rights of Palestine are a contentious and enduring subject. A commitment to preserving the rights of all sides will be necessary to reach a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. While this blog gives a general overview of some important Palestinian rights, it is important to recognise that the situation is changing and that finding a full, just solution will remain a difficult task for the international community.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

"From the Al-Aqsa flood to the Iron swords 💪🏽💔


The Palestinian resistance, led by Hamas, is not the only force igniting the West Bank front. There are various factors fueling the Palestinian drive for resistance and direct action against Israel.

The international community no longer responds to weak and fruitless speeches. Today, resistance has become the strategic choice of the Palestinian people, with strong popular support stretching across the West Bank and Palestine as a whole. The escalating situation demands immediate international action, especially given the ongoing developments in Gaza.

The resistance refuses to be pressured into silence and will not compromise the safety of its people for personal gain. Despite 80 years of Palestinian suffering, the world continues to prioritize and protect only the Zionist entity and Jewish people. International promises to the Palestinian people remain unfulfilled.

Regrettably, the Palestinian issue is no longer a priority for many countries, who offer only empty appeals, condemnations, and proposals. These nations are consumed by internal stability and local affairs, leaving the Palestinian cause behind. The Palestinian forces must rely on themselves and their unity to achieve their goals and alleviate the suffering of their people, regardless of the cost.

The recent "Al-Aqsa Flood" is not just another resistance operation, and the reactions of the occupiers will not be business as usual. The complex circumstances surrounding the Palestinian issue will lead to unpredictable outcomes.

While emotions run high in Palestine, the question we must focus on is how the "Al-Aqsa Flood" serves our political project and can change the internal reality. We must brace ourselves for the challenging days ahead.

"You can't Take a neutral stance in a Genocide"

- Aldouma Abaker 

Podcast & design coordinator 

Global Youth Alliance for Change"


Clean Water and Sanitation: The Lifeline of a Sustainable Future




Clean water is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people around the world lack access to safe and reliable water sources. Similarly, inadequate sanitation facilities pose a severe threat to public health, leading to waterborne diseases and environmental degradation. In this blog, we will delve into the critical importance of clean water and sanitation, examining the challenges and solutions to ensure a sustainable and equitable future for all.


The Global Challenge


Clean water and sanitation are two of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at addressing the world's most pressing challenges. The global water crisis is multifaceted, with more than 2.2 billion people lacking access to safely managed drinking water sources and about 4.2 billion people without access to safely managed sanitation services. The consequences of this crisis are dire, impacting health, education, gender equality, and economic development.


Health and Hygiene


Access to clean water and sanitation directly affects public health. Contaminated water sources lead to waterborne diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, which can be life-threatening, especially for children. Inadequate sanitation practices exacerbate the issue, as improper disposal of human waste can contaminate water sources and spread disease. By ensuring clean water and sanitation, we can save lives and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.


Education and Gender Equality


The lack of access to clean water and sanitation often falls heavily on the shoulders of women and girls. They are disproportionately responsible for collecting water and caring for family members suffering from waterborne illnesses. This limits their opportunities for education and personal development. When schools lack proper sanitation facilities, girls are more likely to drop out, contributing to gender inequality. By addressing these issues, we can empower women and girls to pursue education and economic opportunities.


Economic Development


Access to clean water and sanitation is a cornerstone of economic development. It ensures a healthy workforce, reduces healthcare costs, and enhances agricultural productivity. It can also stimulate small and medium-sized enterprises by providing opportunities in water and sanitation-related industries. Inadequate access to these basic services, conversely, leads to economic losses through reduced productivity and increased healthcare expenses.


Environmental Sustainability


Sustainable water management practices and proper sanitation also have a significant impact on the environment. Pollution from inadequate sanitation and industrial runoff can harm ecosystems, damage aquatic life, and contaminate drinking water sources. By promoting sustainable practices and implementing technologies that reduce waste and pollution, we can protect our environment and promote a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Solutions and Innovations


1. Investment in Infrastructure: Governments and international organizations must prioritize investment in water supply and sanitation infrastructure to ensure access for all. This includes building and maintaining safe water sources, sewage systems, and wastewater treatment facilities.


2. Community Engagement: Local communities should be actively involved in the planning and implementation of water and sanitation projects. Engaging community members ensures that solutions are culturally appropriate and sustainable.


3. Technological Advancements: Innovative technologies, such as water purification systems and efficient sanitation solutions, are crucial in addressing water and sanitation challenges. These advancements can make clean water and sanitation more accessible and affordable.


4. Water Conservation: Encouraging water conservation practices, such as rainwater harvesting and responsible agricultural water use, can alleviate the strain on water resources.


5. Education and Awareness:  Raising awareness about the importance of clean water and sanitation is vital. It promotes responsible water usage and hygiene practices at the individual and community levels.




Clean water and sanitation are not just fundamental human rights but also essential components of sustainable development. By addressing these issues, we can improve public health, advance gender equality, spur economic growth, and protect the environment. It's a shared responsibility that governments, organizations, communities, and individuals must uphold to ensure a brighter and more equitable future for all. Clean water and sanitation are the keys to building a more prosperous, healthy, and sustainable world.

©️ James Dabalen, Peace Scholar. Kenyan.

+254 714458927

Friday 13 October 2023

Affordable and Clean energy


The demand for accessible and sustainable energy sources has never been greater than it is today, when pollution and climate change pose a growing threat to the environment. The idea of affordable and clean energy stands as a beacon of hope as the globe struggles with the twin problems of lowering carbon emissions and assuring access to reliable electricity for everyone. We will discuss the importance of accessible and sustainable energy in this blog, as well as the technologies that are facilitating this shift and international efforts to achieve it.

The Need for Cheap and Clean Energy

Sustainable development and affordable access to renewable energy are both important human rights. Communities would be unable to access necessary services, employment opportunities, and higher living standards without it. In addition, a large portion of our existing energy mix is derived from fossil fuels, which have a considerable negative impact on climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. This predicament emphasises how urgent it is to switch to inexpensive, clean energy 

Renewable energy, which derives from naturally regenerating resources, is the main source of clean energy. Among the main sources of renewable energy are:

1. Solar Power: One of the most rapidly expanding forms of sustainable energy, solar panels transform sunshine into electricity. Solar technological advancements have greatly lowered the price of solar panels, making them more accessible to households and businesses.

2. Wind Power: To produce electricity, wind turbines use the energy of the wind. Wind farms are more prevalent than ever and help cut down on carbon emissions.

3. Hydropower: To produce electricity, hydroelectric power plants use the energy of moving water. This energy is captured by dams and water turbines, which generate a large amount of the world's clean energy.4. Biomass and bioenergy: Wood, agricultural waste, and other organic materials are the sources of biomass energy. It can be used to produce power, heat homes, and make biofuels.

Modernization and Innovation

The development of technology has been essential in lowering the cost and increasing the availability of renewable energy. Even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing, renewable energy can be continuously supplied thanks to the development of energy storage technologies like lithium-ion batteries. The management and delivery of renewable energy have been enhanced by smart grids and grid integration.


For the survival of our world and the prosperity of future generations, affordable and clean energy is not only a lofty ideal. A more sustainable, healthier, and wealthier society are all possible thanks to scientific advancement and international cooperation in the transition to renewable energy sources. We can all work together to create a future where everyone has access to affordable, clean energy by making investments in renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency, and supporting laws that encourage the use of clean energy. We owe ourselves and the environment a better future.

Monday 9 October 2023




Stop War, the earnest plea we make,

If leaders knew the toll they'd take,

Were they to bear the weight of strife,

Perhaps they'd spare the precious life.

For those they send to battle's door,

Are not just pawns in endless chores,

Each life is worth, in truth, so much,

Let's end this cycle, break the clutch.

Let's strive for peace, for love, for grace,

And in our hearts, make war's end our chase,

To spare the lives of those who fight,

And build a world where all unite.

©️ James Dabalen, Peace Scholar. Kenyan.

+254 714458927

SDG 1: No Poverty NGO: The Hunger Project


SDG 1: No Poverty

NGO: The Hunger Project

The Hunger Project is a global non-profit organization working to end hunger and poverty in rural Africa. This week, they are highlighting the importance of investing in women and girls in order to achieve SDG 1.

In a new blog post, The Hunger Project CEO Lesli Berggren writes:

"Women and girls are the key to ending hunger and poverty. They are the ones who produce most of the food in Africa, but they are also the most likely to live in poverty and experience hunger. When women and girls are empowered, they can break the cycle of poverty and hunger and create a better future for themselves and their families."

The Hunger Project is calling on governments and donors to invest in programs that empower women and girls, such as education, healthcare, and access to credit. They are also encouraging individuals to support organizations that are working to end hunger and poverty in rural Africa.

Copyright ©️ Global Youths Alliance For Change

Saturday 7 October 2023

Research: Analysis with regard to international law of the attitude of the regions of Sahelian Africa consisting in the rejection of certain foreign partners against the rapprochement with Russia.


Ngoma Loic

Abstrart: Through this article, the author wants to bring legal arguments to oppose the criticisms which are currently directed against the authorities of the Sahel zone, in this case the Malian, niger and Burkinabé authorities following their attitude of rejection towards foreign partners. The author thus puts forward not only the argument of the legitimacy of their attitude in that it meets a specific need but also their legal character, in particular in that it does not violate any convention, quite the contrary is encouraged by the united nations charter. 

Keywords: Sahel zone, Foreign partners, rejection, legitimacy of attitude, légalité of attitude, united nation charter. 

The sahel region is this part of the African continent stretching from the horn of africa to the other end in the west. It encompasses a dozen countries namely: Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, Gambia, Sudan. Sometimes Eritrea, Dibouti and Somalia are added. This region is facing for several year now many security challenges and especially terrorism. The main terrorist groups operating in this region include Boko Haram in the Lake Chad Basin, Al-Shabaab in Somalia and Daesh still known as the Islamic State, in the Greater Sahara. According to data from the Center for Strategic Studies for Africa, 70% of the violence of Islamist terrorists are grouped in few zones between Burkina Faso and Mali, with Mali alone concentrating more than 30% of the rate of violence. It is the reason why our attention in this work will be focus only on those two region namely Malli and burkina Faso.  

To overcome this problem, many measures have been taken in those region, the most important of which are the deployment of peace and security missions. namely: the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the G5 SAHEL task force, the Barkhane operation initiated by France and the Task Force Takuba led by the European Union;

 After years in the field and mixed results, Mali and Burkina Faso have opted to break relations with all those peacekeeping missions. In this regard, we note several episodes of rupture:

- The injunction of departure by the Malian authorities follow by the effective departure of French forces from Operation Barkhane in Mali in August 2022 after the breakdown of defense agreements a few months earlier. 

- The denunciation of the agreement on the presence of French forces on Burkinabe territory as part of Operation Saber follow by their departure 1 month later; 

-The decision from the Malian authorities to suspend their participation in the G5 Sahel agreement but followed by a resumption of partnership; 

-The unilateral decision from European countries to end of the European Union task force known as Takuba, following the Russian presence in the Sahel. 

- The request for the immediate departure of MINUSMA forces from Mali June 16 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mali at the chair of the security council.

- A complain address by Mali again the MINUSMA 

In each of these situations, the Heads of state of Burkina Faso and Mali have been the object of strong criticism, undermining their diplomatic relationship with many countries. The criticism was all the greater as the detachment took place in parallel with a rapprochement with Russia. However, far from geostrategic positioning and political choices, the real question is whether this attitude of the Sahelian authorities is legitimate and legal.

With regard to the question of legitimacy, this criterion would require that the measures taken by the various States be reasonably justified. In the Capstone doctrine,  it is specified that operations must meet certain criteria of success so that the host State can retain it. One of those criteria is efficiency which mean a good result of the troops on the field. if a peace operation does not meet these success criteria and is rejected, such rejection will be considered legitimate. This was then the case for the missions that came to the aid in the Sahel. Indeed, in addition to not having been able to eliminate the terrorist threat, these have also been illustrated by conflicts with the populations and the local armed forces and accusations of sexual abuse. In such situation, calls for their departure are therefore justified.

Regarding legality, we will try to assess whether the attitude of rejection violates certain legal standards, among others:

-The principles of peacekeeping contained in the 2008 Capstone doctrine

-The general principles of termination of a convention contained in the Vienna Convention on Treaties of 1966

- The convention on the status of the forces of the various missions (SOFA).

- The right to establish general security arrangements with any person contained in the United Nations Charter of 1945; 

With regard to the principles of the Capstone doctrine, in particular the principle of consent, which stipulates that a peacekeeping mission cannot be deployed without the agreement of the parties to the conflict. In the context of an internal conflict, only the consent of the host State is required; and that consent can be withdrawn if the conditions for its existence no longer exist. The rejection attitude of the authorities of the Sahel region is therefore legal according to the capstone doctrine because the condition of maintaining consent no longer existed.

With regard to the rules for termination of Conventions contained in the Vienna Convention, its article 54 paragraph (a) provides that "The termination of a treaty or the withdrawal of a party may take place: … a) In accordance with the provisions of the treaty...". This article is applicable when the agreement contains clauses relating to the termination. which leads us to examine the content of these conventions.

whether it concerns defense agreements between France, européan courntries and Mali and between france and Burkina Faso; whether it concerns the agreement on the status of MINUSMA soldiers, whether it concern the agreement for the creation of the G5 Sahel, the rules on denunciation and termination have been respected. Because if this had not been the case, there would have been no execution on the part of the States to which the injunction to leave had been given.

Now assessed to the united nations charter, article 51 paragraph 1 of the charter liberalizes the arrangements for collective security purposes and in the vision of the United Nations in these terms "Nothing in this Charter shall preclude the existence of regional agreements or bodies intended to settle matters which, affecting the maintenance of international peace and security, lend themselves to action of a regional character, provided that such agreements or bodies and their activities are compatible with the purposes and principles of the United Nations. " and to continue in paragraph 3 "The Security Council encourages the development of the peaceful settlement of local disputes by means of these regional agreements or bodies, either on the initiative of the States concerned, or on referral of the Security Council. ". 

It therefore appears in the light of international law that the steps of the political authorities of the Sahel, in particular the Malian and Burkinabe authorities, are not illegal even less illegitimate and should therefore no longer be criticized.

Having reached the end of our work in which it was a question of analyzing the attitude of the States of the Sahel, we have come to the conclusion that this does not infringe international law and that, on the contrary, with regard to conflicts at the level of the Security Council constitutes an approach serving the interests of these countries. The situation that has just been analyzed is not unique on the continent; it can be observed in the Central African Republic where the authorities, to the detriment of the UN peacekeeping missions, have opted for Russian support, in Niger where soldiers took power and demanded the departure of foreign armies stationed in their country, or again in Congo where the president called for the departure of the United Nations PKO stationed in his country, MONUSCO. The conclusion drawn for the Sahel States can thus be extended to the latter.


- Charter of the United Nations

-Convention establishing the G5 saleh (19/12/2014), Nouakchott

-Vienna Convention on Treaties of 1969

-Capstone Doctrine 2008

- Alain pierre loic Mboh Ngoma (15/08/2022) bishenko journal, the capstone doctrine as a solution to the problem of the extended mandate. Blichenko reading.


- Madeleine Odzolo-Modo () Peace operations led by African regional organizations

- Https://


- Decree No. 90-1075 of 28 November 1990 publishing the technical military cooperation agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Mali signed in Bamako on 6 May 1985 (together an exchange of letters dated of 8 and 28 July 1986) (1) 

Friday 6 October 2023

Together We Can Make A Difference


Together, we can make a difference

Watch & Subscribe ⬇️

Copyright ©️ Global Youths Alliance For Change

GOod health and Sanitation



One thing is always a priority in a world that is always changing: sanitation and good health. The welfare of its citizens is the cornerstone of a strong society. In this article, we'll look at the critical connection between sanitation and health as well as how it affects people locally, globally, and globally.

The Value of Good Health: A state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, good health goes beyond simply being free of disease. It enables people to live full lives, achieve their aspirations, and make a positive contribution to society. People are more creative, resilient, and productive when they are well

The importance of sanitation in preserving good health cannot be overstated. The core elements of sanitation include having access to clean water, having a place to dispose of waste, and practising good hygiene. Diseases can spread as a result of poor sanitation, especially in heavily populated places. Making sure that everyone has access to sanitary facilities that are both clean and safe is crucial.

The Effect on Communities: Communities gain a great deal from clean air and water. It is possible to stop or stop disease outbreaks, which lessens the strain on healthcare systems. Initiatives to enhance sanitary conditions can help boost local economies, create jobs, and make overall living circumstances better.

Communities that put health and sanitation first are more resilient and better equipped to handle problems.

worldwide Health and Sanitation Goals: On a worldwide scale, agencies like the United Nations have established arduous objectives for enhancing sanitation and health. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include objectives to advance wellbeing and good health (SDG 3), as well as to guarantee that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6). Equitable access to global health is significantly impacted by progress towards these objectives.

Despite advancements, there are still numerous problems. Disparities in access to healthcare and sanitation still exist, especially in impoverished areas. Maintaining excellent health and sanitation faces increasing problems as a result of urbanisation and climate change. Cooperative efforts, cutting-edge technologies, and regulatory adjustments are needed for solutions.

How to Make the World Healthier and More Sanitary:

1. Education: Raise community and individual understanding of the value of sanitation and good health.

2. Infrastructure: Invest in sanitary infrastructure to guarantee everyone has access to clean water and efficient waste disposal.

3. Hygiene Practises: To stop the transmission of infections, promote proper hygiene practices  like washing your hands.

4. Policy Support: Promote measures that give health and sanitation first priority, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

5. Global Cooperation: Work together to solve problems related to sanitation and health on a global scale.

Gender Equality: A Call for a More Just World

  Gender equality is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental human right. It's about ensuring that everyone, regardless of the...